Pony Division (Ages 13-14)
(13/14 years old by May 1)
The 14th Ward Pony division is the real deal! 54 foot mound, 80 foot bases, and competition across the city in the Pittsburgh City Sports league makes this an exciting and highly competitive option for our 13 & 14-year-old players. Seasons are typically 10-12 games (based on the number of communities with teams and weather) and the Championship games for Pony players are held at PNC Park! 14th Ward usually has a 13U Pony team and 14U Pony team, although the Pony league is technically a mix of 13 and 14-year-old players. Within the Pony league, there are two divisions (AA and A), and teams play in the division that best fits their skill level. The season begins in May, once high school baseball has been completed.
* Due to the more rigorous nature of baseball at this level, players will need to tryout and be accepted for the team(s).
Season Schedule
Email: 14thwardyouthbaseball@gmail.com with any questions.