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14th Ward Youth Baseball Association

House League Divisions

Double A Division (AA) (Ages 7 & 8 by May 1st)

14 ward little league youth kids child baseball Pgh
The 14th Ward Double A Division (AA) is action packed and a wonderful opportunity for children to learn and develop the basic fundamentals of baseball (i.e., hitting, catching, throwing, and running) in a relaxed, low-stress atmosphere, while simultaneously introducing players to slightly more advanced level of skills that requires attention to the specific game situation on the field and basic rules of baseball.  Learning good sportsmanship and teamwork will also be goals of this league. The most important goal of AA baseball, however, is to have fun!

Double A features the following:

  • Coach pitching from around 30-35 ft.
  • Players are given a maximum of 7 pitches. They MAY strike out but cannot walk.
  • 6 inning games
  • 60 ft basepaths
  • Playing time requirements to ensure balanced play across infield and outfield positions.

Practice/Game Schedule and Location Details


  • Teams typically have one practice or game during the week (~5:30pm or 6pm start time) and one on Saturdays (could be between 9am - 5pm and typically between 11am - 3pm). 
  • Practices and games could be at any one of several fields used by 14th Ward in the East End of Pittsburgh (Wightman, Frick, Farmhouse/Highland Park, Mellon)
  • Teams will play 8-10 game regular season followed by a playoff bracket.
  • Approximate dates:
  • Spring: Early April through Early June (end of the season is typically near the end of the Pittsburgh Public School Year).
  • Fall: Mid/Late August through end of October.

Note: Complete details on a players practice and game schedule will not be available until AFTER that player is allocated to a team.  If your player has a recurring commitment on a specific day of the week that will take priority over their participation in baseball you can indicate that during the registration process.  Efforts will be made to allocate your player to a team that does not regularly practice on that day.  However, this is not guaranteed.  Requests to have practices and/or games at specific field locations cannot be accommodated.


Players must provide their own (see notes below on financial assistance available if needed)...

  • Baseball Glove
  • Helmet
  • Athletic/protective cups and supporter (jock strap) for those players identifying as male (required whenever playing the position of catcher, encouraged in all other circumstances)
  • Baseball Bat
  • See the Dick's Sporting Goods Baseball Bat Buying Guide for more info.  Pay particular attention to recommendations on identifying the appropriate weight and length.
  • Only bats stamped with "USA Baseball" are allowed. No USSA Stamped baseball and no softball bats.  Wooden baseball bats ARE permitted.

Other Equipment (FYI):
  • Baseballs will be provided by the league for practices and games. Official "Little League" balls (or similar) are used for this program.  
  • Face masks - some players benefit from wearing a face mask on their helmets and/or in the field not just for the extra level of safety but also because it reduces fear of being hit with a ball and enables them to keep their head in on a pitch and/or throw.
  • Chest protector/heart guards - players sometimes wear an undershirt with a padded chest area as another layer of protection and to guard against the rare but serious condition of commotio cordis.  In Double A, the pitcher is required to wear a padded chest protector of some sort.  If they are not wearing a padded undershirt the team will have a hear guard that can be worn on top of the jersey.



  • Players will be provided with a jersey and hat. 
  • Players are responsible for their own:
  • Baseball pants (gray or white)
  • Belt
  • Socks
  • Baseball Shoes (plastic cleats only)

Financial Assistance Available

Cost should never be a barrier to participating in 14th Ward Baseball.  Partial and full scholarships are available to cover registration fees and the league will also assist in outfitting your player with the necessary equipment.  Email [email protected] for more info about these opportunities.

Other Questions?

Email [email protected]